Friday, January 21, 2011


I woke up in an unfamiliar place. I looked around, and thought to myself, something is missing... Have I lost something? Something I once cherished, some piece of me that defined who I was?

I walked through a field of flowers. As I walked, the flowers grew taller, until they towered above me. I looked up. Skeletons peered over the tops of the flowers, looking down upon me.

They understood my struggle all too well.

I came upon a flight of stairs. I could not see the top, but I knew that I must climb them. There was no other way. I found that my feet carried themselves up the stairs on their own accord. I did not complain.

As I climbed, I found that my mind was free to consider the importance of things.

What must I sacrifice for my own Happiness?

What is the value of my Soul?

What is the price of Immortality?

What is the cost of True Love?

If there is a God, where is He?

Years passed, and finally I reached the top of the stairs. I had been looking at my feet, unaware of my progress for a long time, when suddenly I could climb no higher. At the top stood a door. It was old, warped and decaying. A wrinkled hand reached out from behind the door, holding a lace handkerchief. It did not beckon me, but I opened the door anyway.

I am transient.

I am a cloud.

Through the kindness of your heart, you can make all the difference.

Must I rain on all that I love?

Having this new vantage point, I began to see things differently. Reality was not what I thought it to be, and I began to realize the effect my actions had on those around me. I relaized the world was decaying faster than any of us had imagined.

All that is Nature is Chaos.

Chaos regins, Order is subverted.

The machines

Shall Not Win.